Updated on 29 Δεκεμβρίου, 2020

Why do we exchange presents at Christmas? Read here and find out. What present would you like to get this year and why? Do you think that good presents are the ones that are bought? Write a paragraph explaining your view as a comment below .
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For me there is no good presents, just the thought of making or buying one is enough.All the presents must be given by your heart and that’s all it matters.Whether you like it or dont you must be thankfull that somebody remembered you or wanted to give you something.
This year I decided not to get a present.The reason I decided not to get a present was because I had everything I needed. So I got a present that cannot be bought, I got love that was the best present I ever got.
All the presents are good, from the smallest to the biggest and the ones that we don’t pay for , like love. This year I asked to get a phone ,I think it will be very useful. The presents declare that someone is thinking about us and this is the best feeling.
This year I got a smaller present than the presents that I got the last three years. But I think, that the best present for somebody is to have a house to live. Also, another present is to have your family and to be healthy, because I have everything I want.
Happy new year to everyone!
This year, I got a present, but I think, that the best presents are not the ones that are bought. The best presents are to be healthy, to have a family and to love each other. A present that it is bought, isn’t the most important, but if someone brings you a present, you need to thank him because he gave his time and his money to give it to you, because he wanted to make you happy.