Updated on 30 Μαΐου, 2021

Homeschooling is a kind of education that many parents choose to have for their kids. In some countries it's a legal way to educate, in some others, it is not. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this approach? Read and find out. What do people who were educated at home say about it? Watch and find out. What's your opinion?
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There has been a new trend which is called homeschooling. Homeschooling is when children learn subjects from their house, when parents teach them, or when they have private lessons.
Homeschooling has a lot of advantages. First, it gives parents and children the freedom to make their own choices. They are able to choose a variety of subjects to study. Also, if kids stay at home, they will have more free time to play or to relax. Another advantage is that the kids won’t be distracted from other kids and they will be more focused on the lesson. Homeschooling is also a solution to avoid getting infected by Covid-19. Finally, homeschooling helps families to spend quality time together and build stronger bonds.
However, homeschooling has also many disadvantages. First of all, kids won’t socialize and as a result, they are being isolated and feel lonely. Also, If the parents teach the children, they won’t be well educated because a teacher is knowledgeable and an expert in his field. Another important disadvantage, is that parents can’t work outside their home since they have to take care of their children. This makes them feel tired and exhausted all the time. As a result, spending too much time together can create many arguments.
Personally, I am against homeschooling since it creates a lot of problems both to the parents and the children. Parents are exhausted and children suffer from psychological problems because of isolation.
There is a new way of teaching called homeschooling. Homeschooling is when kids attend school subjects at home or they do private lessons.
Homeschooling has lots of advantages. First, parents can spend more time with their kids. Also, if everyone stays in his house then nobody will get sick of Covid-19. Kids won’t be forced to wear a mask. They don’t have to wear their clothes, just their pyjamas. Another advantage of homeschooling is that kids will have more time to relax and play.
Apart from the advantages, there are also some disadvantages. One disadvantage is that children will spend lots of hours in front of a computer and that will make them tired. They won’t socialize with other kids and they will feel lonely. Also, when children are in front of a computer they can pretend that they can’t hear or talk. A very big disadvantage is that a family might have financial problems due to the lockdown which comes from the pandemic.
Personally, I disagree with homeschooling because staying home and spending most of the day in front of a computer is very tiring.
There is a different learning trend which is homeschooling. Homeschooling is the practice of teaching kids learn from their at home. It has many advantages and disadvantages.
There are a lot of advantages as far as of homeschooling is concerned. First of all, kids can’t be bullied from other kids. They won’t meet any bully. Parents also choose to homeschool their children because, due to Covid-19, the kids need to wear a mask. They cannot spread the virus too. Kids can have an amazing relationship with their parents since they are almost together for all day long. Finally homeschooling can last for more time so if the child doesn’t understand something it can revise it with his/her parents.
Apart from the advantages, there are also disadvantages. The first disadvantage is the less time for the kid. If kids have lessons for a long time every day, they don’t have enough time to relax or to play. Kids also won’t make friends and socialize with other people if they homeschool. Learning from a computer, might make them feel tired or have health problems. Finally, parents may not know everything that a child needs to learn and, as a result, children do not learn everything and have problems afterwards, when they go to college.
Some kids like homeschooling but others not. I disagree with homeschooling because apart from the reasons above, parents can’t go to work because they teach to their children and this can bring problems to the whole family.
There are two types of general education, homeschooling and public or private schools. Homeschooling is learning at home by either parents or a personal teacher. Most children attend a public or private school. Homeschooling has been a complex issue for years. Some people argue that homeschooling is most beneficial to a pupil attending a public school. In my opinion the disadvantages are more than the advantages.
First, some parents think that taking students out of a public school will help them to escape from distractions of society. At the same time others think that students will become isolated from society and become antisocial with the children in the same age.
Moreover, homeschooling allows children to follow their own schedules. They might be allowed to sleep later and have more free time as they will spend less time. They learn things at their own speed and can focus on their weaknesses. On the other hand, in public schools students must learn how to deal with deadlines, rules and stress. These students may have difficulty controlling pressure in their future lives.
Public school students are surrounded by different kinds of people with different opinions, ideas and backgrounds. That helps them increase their critical thinking and open their horizons. On the other hand, homeschooled students get limited knowledge and believe whatever their parents believe.
In my opinion homeschooling has some advantages, but it doesn’t help students grow socially. They may face problems in their adult lives.
Homeschooling is when a teacher comes to your house and teaches you the lessons you are supposed to do in school. One other way of homeschooling is when your parents teach you the lessons in their own way e.g., with field trips or games.
In homeschooling there are some good things, you can be eating while you are doing the lessons, be with your comfortable pajamas all day and you can’t get bullied since you are alone with your teacher/parent.
There also some bad things in homeschooling. Firstly, you won’t have many friends and not be sociable and maybe you won’t learn the lesson correctly because most of the time, the parents aren’t experts. Another bad thing about homeschooling is that if you pay a teacher, it’s more expensive than a normal school.
I personally don’t like homeschooling. The main reason that I don’t like homeschooling is because I won’t be able to socialize.
Homeschooling isn’t something new, it existed from the ancient times when children couldn’t go or their parents didn’t want to send their children to school. Nowadays, homeschooling is something that many people choose for their children’s education. There are many advantages and disadvantages.
Let’s start with the advantages. First you have all the attention of your parent/teacher, because there are fewer children than a number you usually have in schools. Another reason is that you don’t have the ‘’noise’’ of the other children who don’t want to learn and make you can’t learn too. You also make the relationship with your parents stronger because you spend more time together. Last but not least, you don’t have to hurry to finish many books in the school year so you take as much time as you need to understand the subject.
There are also some disadvantages. First it’s harder to communicate/make friends with someone because in homeschooling you can’t make friends as in school. Another drawback is that because you spend many hours with your parents you feel bored seeing the same face over and over. Also parents can’t work because they have the responsibility of their children’s education all day long. Last but not least parents are more demanding than teachers because they want their children’s good to a superlative grade.
My opinion is that I don’t like homeschooling because it causes a lot of problems to both parents and children, but this doesn’t mean I don’t find it right if someone educates his children by homeschooling.
There is a new trend which is called homeschooling. Homeschooling is the education of children at home, by parents or teachers not in public or private schools.
There are a lot of people who do not support homeschooling. It can lead to disappointment as kids can’t enjoy school and make new friends. They don’t socialize. This can sometimes make kids depressed as they have no or minimal interactions outside their home.
There are many advantages about homeschooling. One of them is that parents can recognize kid’s weaknesses and in this way they can find material depending on their weaknesses. Also during homeschooling, children come closer with their parents and as a result the relationship ends up being even better and stronger. Moreover they show more interest in studies, which are more customized than the routine-based courses in schools.
In my opinion there aren’t so many disadvantages. I believe that homeschooling is better than traditional classroom because it has been noticed that educational quality has been better in homeschooling than traditional schools. With more personal care, home-schooled kids tend to pick up things easier than in schools. Based on that, less pressure is put on children and this makes them feel less anxious and more relieved .
A new trend has been found in some wealthy countries: it’s called homeschooling. Homeschooling is when the parents are the teachers for their kids or, when kids have private lessons at home.
Homeschooling is a very common topic to discuss about whether it’s a good way of teaching or not. It has a lot of advantages like freedom; through homeschooling parents have the freedom to choose what they are going to teach their kids. This brings up the next advantage which is flexibility; parents can teach in whatever way they want to. Homeschooling can help kids who take extra time to learn something because if they were in a normal school this extra time wouldn’t fit with the teacher’s program. Finally homeschooling is really useful at this period due to Covid-19 and its tough restrictions.
On the other hand, homeschooling has several disadvantages too. Homeschooling can really pressure parents because teaching isn’t an easy job. This causes parents not have enough time for themselves because they don’t only have to take care of their kids, they have to teach them too. Another negative point is that kids won’t socialize and they are going to face judgmental comments from people .Also kids might get along with their parents well but at one point it might be too much for them. Homeschooling can also cause trouble because parents will not have time to work for their actual job.
My personal opinion is that homeschooling is a very difficult way to teach and I don’t agree with it. I believe that parents and kids will face too much pressure and stress due to the workload. Moreover, the kids may not know how to socialize so they will become anti-social and awkward.
Homeschooling is a different type of learning. Kids from any age learn things that parents teach them in their house. There are a lot of disagreements concerning this practice and people can’t decide because they don’t know what the best thing for their family is.
Homeschooling has a lot of advantages: You can learn whatever you are interested in and you may understand it better. You can spend more time with your family. You can wake up whenever you like. You don’t have to worry about bullies. There are fewer chances to get infected from Coronavirus. Finally, you can spend less money for learning. But homeschooling also has many disadvantages: The parents will be tired with their work and with teaching their kids. You won’t have so many friends. You will not socialize and you will feel lonely if you don’t go outside with other people. And finally, you won’t be well educated.
Personally, I don’t prefer homeschooling because I want to have many friends and play with them but, homeschooling is not a bad idea.
Over the years a teaching practice called homeschooling has gained great popularity. Homeschooling is when a kid gets taught either by his parents or a private teacher at home.
Homeschooling has some disadvantages like not playing with other kids or not doing all the things that a school organizes. Another disadvantage is that it costs more because you pay for the have to pay for the books yourself. Also, you don’t go out as much as you would if you were going to a real school.
However, there are also some advantages like having a teacher that focuses on you which makes the lesson easier and more effective. Another advantage is that the schedule is more flexible and the lessons are shorter so you can do other activities.
My opinion about homeschooling is negative because at a real school the kids can both learn and play. They can also have different trips and join knowledge competitions which are better than just learning at home.
Homeschooling is a trend that many people do. Homeschooling is when children learn new things from their home by their parents or teachers.
Some advantages about homeschooling are that the teacher or the parent have all the attention on you because you are the only one in the ‘’class”. Also the parent can choose what lesson the child will learn. Another one is that after the kid finishes the homework, they have more freedom to have fun and relax.
However, there are many disadvantages about it. Homeschooling is helpful but it can be lonely too, because you are the only one to the class and you can’t socialize. Kids have to socialize and make friends, to be in a big community. In this way they will be independent and have self-confidence. A friend is there to spend your time happily and this is important for everyone. Also, a parent can’t teach the child as well as a teacher can. A teacher had studied to be a teacher, that’s why they can explain to the child a subject better than a parent because that’s their job.
Personally, I think that homeschooling can’t help children to learn. Homeschooling makes the kids feel lonely and sad. Also I believe that homeschooling makes children introvert. I’m against homeschooling and I believe that the school we are having now is more educational and more helpful.
Homeschooling is when children instead of going to school, stay home and they have lessons with their parents. Of course this has both advantages and disadvantages.
One advantage is that the kids have all the attention on them so they can learn easier. Also the kids will be closer to their parents, because they will be all day with them . Therefore the kids will feel freer because they will be home with their family .Additionally children will not get annoyed from other kids so they will be more focused on the lesson .Finally parents save more money because they don’t have to pay gas for their cars or pay for a bus ticket to take their children to school.
However homeschooling can also be bad. First of all kids don’t socialize with others so this makes them unready for the society because in school you meet different people so it is like a small society. Also it isn’t so good to be all day with your siblings because this might create a lot of fights, especially when the kids are in a teen age. Therefore parents can’t do anything for themselves because they have to take care of the children. Finally children wouldn’t be so educated because a teacher has gone to university and he/she knows how to teach, what to teach and how to treat kids, but a parent knows only some basic things.
In my opinion, children should go to school because they can learn more things. Also they will socialize more and it is good both for them and for their families because it isn’t good to see all day the same people all day.
Homeschooling is when kids learn things and subjects at home, in other words their school is their house. This kind of education is usually conducted by a parent, tutor or online teacher and depending on the country it may be accepted or not. Homeschooling is a very interesting issue and it has both advantages and disadvantages.
On the one hand it bonds the child with his/her parent and it makes it feel more comfortable. The lesson is flexible and different ways of teaching can be tried. For instance, the kid focuses more without any kind of distractions and consequently, progress is evident. Going to other places to extend knowledge and experiencing new things that are part of the subject becomes easier. In addition, homeschooling is also a smart way to avoid getting infected by Covid-19 and it has been tried through online classes.
On the other hand kids won’t socialize and they may feel lonely sometimes. Apart from that, they have more homework to do, leading to less free time. Furthermore the children’s parents won’t have the ability to go to work because they would have to take care of theirs sons/daughters. Moreover, spending so much time with someone might create disagreements and arguments while judgment must be accepted.
In conclusion, I am against homeschooling because socializing in my opinion is a very important thing for a student and without that, I believe he/she could easily have psychological problems. I am also certain that parents need their space too and it would be hard for them to spend their whole day home without the opportunity to work.
Why some people choose homeschooling and what is it?
Homeschooling was a new practice for Greek students introduced a few months ago due to the pandemic measures of lockdown. In foreign countries is not something new though.
Homeschooling is a way of teaching without actually having to go to school . It can be distance education , tele- teaching or parents who want to teach their kids themselves at home.
To begin with, there are many different reasons for homeschooling. Some parents see better educational opportunities for their children, especially if they are disabled or have special needs.
Another major advantage of homeschooling is that some children can learn better at home, because they are not held back, disturbed or distracted from other kids in class. What is more, bullies cannot harm sensitive kids who may feel scared when they go to school .
Homeschooling is also an option for families that live in suburban areas and the nearest school is far away from home. So, their kids do not have to travel long distances every day which is both tiring and dangerous.
On the other hand, homeschooling has a lot of drawbacks as well. Parents have to pay both for the books and the teacher which makes private lessons difficult for the families to afford.
In addition, kids don’t meet their friends at school so they feel lonely and don’t socialize. As a result, some of them acquire psychological problems because of isolation.
Furthermore, spending most of their time in front of a screen can be tiring and also harm their health causing for example eyesight problems.
To sum up, I believe that students shouldn’t be homeschooled since that makes them suffer in various ways. What is most important for young people is not to lose their physical contact with their classmates, teachers and friends.