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15 Comments on “All about Book Reviews

  1. Θωμάς-Τσαμπίκος Τσιγγέλας

    The Magic Finger
    This book is about a girl who had a Magic Finger.
    The girl was living next to the Gregg family. The Greggs loved going hunting but the girl can’t stand it. One Saturday morning, the girl saw the Greggs carrying a young deer. This made the girl cross and she put the Magic Finger on them. On the afternoon of the same day, the Greggs went hunting for ducks but they couldn’t shoot four of them. What happened?
    It is an amazing book that children will like it. It is a very well written book with some pictures. My favourite part is when the Greggs said that they’ll never shoot another animal again and honored the ducks they shot by changing the family name. I didn’t like it when the Greggs laughed at the girl something that had as a result to put the Magic Finger on them. Have you ever wondered how it is to have a magic power? Then, this book is the best for you.
    I highly recomend this book. I give the book 5 stars.

  2. This book is about a girl and her adventures.
    A girl has the ability to do of a magic finger. She uses her finger on the family, who live next to her. The father and the boys of the family go hunting and she can’t stand it. So for that reason she puts the magic finger on them. Weird things start happening to the Greggs the same day the girl put the magic finger on them. They couldn’t shoot four ducks that were flying low and the morning after they realized that the whole family had wings instead of arms, they tr

    ied them out and the next thing they knew is that the same four ducks had taken over their house. The Greggs built a nest and went on several adventures but one day they switched roles with those ducks. The ducks pointed at the Greggs’ nest to scare them and make sure they learned their lesson to stop hunting. When they made that promise, everything went to normal and they started treating the animals better. The girl was shocked and happy that they learned their lesson.
    My favorite part of the book was the ending when the Greggs started behaving better towards animals. A young audience would like this book because it has many lessons in it.

  3. The magic finger
    The magic finger is a book written by Roald Dahl. It is about a girl with a magic finger. Her neighbors called Greggs loved hunting so every Saturday morning , they would take their guns and go to the nearby forest to kill animals.
    She couldn’t stand hunting so she put the magic finger on the Gregg family. The story started by the girl introducing the Greggs. Then she put the magic finger on the Greggs. The magic finger gave them wings and it also gave four ducks hands. The ducks stole the Greggs’ house , so they had to built a nest.
    The book was very interesting. There were nine characters. The Gregg family , in which there are four people. Philip , which is 8 years old , William , which is 11 years old , Mr. Gregg and Mrs Gregg. The four ducks are characters too. The ninth character is the girl , which nobody knows her name.
    The book was great and I really enjoyed reading it. I definitely recommend it.
    George Tsilimenis

  4. The Magic Finger is a picture and an adventure book that talks about a girl with a magic power. She has a “Magic Finger” and when someone makes her mad, she puts a spell on him. She is a friend with two boys living next door who love hunting. One day her friends made the mistake to make her angry and she put a spell on them.
    The story is interesting and makes you want to read it until the end in order to find out what happened.
    With this book you see different opinions about hunting and how you must respect animals. It also teaches you how to act and overcome difficult situations. But the most important is that it shows the power of apology and forgiveness.
    Finally it is a well written book that covers a lot of grammar points so it is a book for teaching students a lot of different things. It is easy to read and understand from students at the age of eight and above. It is a good book and you won’t regret reading it.

  5. The magic finger is a book written by Roald Dahl. It is a story about the Gregg family and an eight year-old girl with a magic finger. Her magic finger is activated when she gets cross and sees red.
    The Greggs have four family members. They are Mr. & Mrs. Gregg, and their two sons, Philip & William. The girl and the Gregg family are neighbours. The girl’s name was never mentioned in the story. Although the girl and the boys are friends she doesn’t like the fact that they go hunting with their dad. The girl is kind and loves animals. On the other hand, the Gregg family likes to shoot ducks. The girl tries to make them stop but they won’t listen. She decides to teach them a lesson. She uses her magic finger and turns them into ducks and the ducks they were shooting at, grow hands and point at them with the guns.
    My favourite character is the girl because she loves animals and dislikes people that are cruel to animals. My least favourite character is Mr. Gregg because he shoots ducks and is unkind to animals.
    I like how the story ends. In the end, the Greggs stop shooting ducks. Mr. Gregg destroys all the guns while Mrs. Gregg builts graves for the dead ducks. They also changed their name from Greggs to Eggs
    The main message in the story is that we should be considerate and kind. The Magic Finger is well worth reading. It will not disappoint you. I highly recommend it.

  6. Κωνσταντίνος-Τσαμπίκος Τσιγγελάς


    The book is about a girl who has a magic finger but she can’t control it. Every time she sees red, a sort of lighting jumps out of her finger and touches the person that made her cross.

    She lives next to a farm which is owned by the Gregg family. Mr and Mrs Gregg have two boys. Their names are Philip and William. Now, the thing that they like the most is to go hunting. The girl can’t stand hunting so she tries to tell them to stop. One Saturday morning, she saw them carrying a lovely deer. That made her cross and she put the magic finger on the Gregg family! The next morning the Greggs went hunting once again and they were shooting wild ducks. But they could not hit them! What happened to the Gregg family?

    This book is for young children up to early teens. If a child likes reading books that have magic inside, then this book is the best choice. It helped me realize that there are always two sides on any issue.

    I give this book 5 stars since it’s the best English book that I have ever read.

  7. The Magic Finger
    This book is about a girl that has a magic finger.
    When this girl is angry with someone she puts the magic finger upon the people that make her angry. This time the girl is angry with her neighbours who are her friends because they hunt animals for fun. But she can’t stand hunting so she puts the magic finger upon them and things begin to happen. To put the magic finger upon someone happens frequently.
    My favorite part was when the ducks went hunting the Greggs and after some minutes of discussion the Greggs promised the ducks that they won’t hunt again and everything will change. I also liked the part when Miss Winter began transforming to a cat woman. It was funny and she was worth it because she was really strict with the girl.
    I think this book is really funny to read because it was cleverly written and because it taught me that everything can change if you try (and if you have a magic finger)
    Boys and girls from 4 to 14 years old would like this book because it is funny.
    My grade is 5 stars because I liked it from the first till the last page.

    This book talks about a girl with her super power. The Greggs were living next to her and they liked hunting but the girl didn’t. One Saturday morning Mr. Gregg and his two young boys killed a young deer and when the girl learned about it she got really mad and she put the Magic Finger on the whole Gregg family. This started doing weird things and other characters came into the story. The best part is when the Greggs regret killing animals.
    This book teaches you to think before you do something : what will happen in the future? Will you make some people sad or angry? You have to think before doing something, because you have to respect other people or animals. You also learn how to react when you don’t like what someone’s doing. You can easily understand this book and you can learn English grammar from it.
    It’s an amazing book for 8 year old kids and for older people. It’s worth reading it to find out what will happen in the end.

    By Roald Dahl!!!
    This book is about a girl that has something like a super power. She has a magic finger!!
    The girl has lived in a farm next to a family called ”Gregg”. The Greggs have two kids, both of them boys. They have been friends with the girl.
    The Greggs loved HUNTING!! The narrator (the girl) can’t stand hunting! She thinks that it’s wrong to kill animals just for fun!! Many times she tried to talk to them, but either they yelled at her or they walked past her. This happened till one day they made her TOO cross!!! Then she put the MAGIC FINGER on them!! The Greggs took their lesson !!
    I think that this book would teach the children many things like kindness and empathy .
    One of my favourite part of the book was the class of MRS Winter, when she became a big cat!! I also liked the book because it had pictures !!
    Both girls and boys who are 5+ can read this book. Maybe younger kids would like the book being read to them as a bedtime story!!!
    I give this book 3,5 stars because I don’t like bedtime stories and I found it little boring!!

  10. Magic Finger is an interesting book written by Roald Dahl which is talking about a little girl who is against hunting. Girl’s neighbors love hunting so her target is to stop them from hunting just for fun.
    My favourite character was Mr. Gregg because the author presented him as a strong but profoundly funky character. I have to tell you that this book made me laugh a lot with its scenes. For example, I laughed a lot when Mr. and Mrs. Gregg figured out that they became birds with wings instead of arms. Now I will tell you what I disliked in this book. The story ended with cliffhanger and it left me questioning what would happen next.
    All in all, I definitely recommend this book because it is interesting, funny and touching.

  11. The Magic Finger is a book about a girl with a special ability.Whenever someone makes her cross she puts something like a spell on them.In this book this “someone” is the Gregg family:a family with two children,Philip and William,a mom and a dad.
    The two boys and Mr.Gregg like to go hunting.They just do it for fun,but the little girl doesn’t see it the same way.She tried making them stop so many times but they just won’t listen and that was their biggest mistake.Because the girl puts the magic finger on them and the family goes on a feathery adventure and as the book says…”What happens when the hunter becomes the hunted?”
    My opinion is that this book tries to tell us that we shouldn’t do to others what we won’t like others doing to us.Everything turns back like a boomerang.
    So it would be pretty helpful for kids to read this book and it might make them behave better and make them stop doing bad things to others without listening to what they have to say.
    My favorite part was when Mr.Gregg gave a promise to the ducks and the cliffhanger in the end with the Cooper family.
    The “Magic Finger” was a fantastic book that had an unpredictable story and I liked it very much!

  12. The Magic Finger is a book about a girl that puts the magic finger on everyone who made her cross like her neighbors, the Greggs. Mr. Gregg and Mrs. Gregg have two children, Philip who is 8 years old and William who is eleven. The story takes place at the weekend and starts on Saturday morning.
    The day the little girl put the magic finger on the Gregg family, Mr. Gregg and his sons went hunting. They shot sixteen wild ducks. For some reason they couldn’t shoot four wild ducks. The next day the ducks and the Greggs changed hands and wings. After they had built a nest, they had a talk with the ducks and they promised that they’ll stop hunting.
    I like this book and my favorite point is when Mrs. Winter had long black whiskers and long bushy tail like a cat, because I love cats.
    This book is very nice and sends a message that with the revenge you are just like the one made you angry or sad.

  13. The magic finger is a very good and interesting book to read. It’s about a girl who has a magic forefinger and she puts it on the person who made her angry.
    The main characters of the book are the girl and her friends the Greggs.
    The girl was going to school but she didn’t know good spelling. One day her teacher said to come to the board and spell the word cat. She said K-A-T instead of C-A-T and her teacher called her stupid and after insulting, her something very bad happened to her.
    One Saturday the girl saw the Greggs carrying an animal. The girl started yelling at them and the Greggs made faces and ignored her. The girl got cross and used her finger to the Greggs. On the same day the Greggs went hunting once again and they left the woods carrying sixteen ducks. As they were leaving, four ducks flew towards them and, although they shot them, they missed. The ducks followed the hunters all the way to their home. The Greggs went to sleep and the next day they weren’t the same.
    Ages between 6-12 will love it because It’s a very enjoyable and interesting book.

    This book is about a girl who has a magic finger. She loves her friends, but when she learned that her friends were hunting she tried to speak to them , but she never took an answer back. So she decided to put the magic finger on them, since she couldn’t control her anger and she couldn’t stand hunting. After that strange things began to happen. The Greggs couldn’t shoot at the four ducks, also the next morning the Greggs woke up with wings instead of arms so they needed to survive outside .
    My favorite part is when the ducks were pointing at the Greggs and through this, I learnt that we must respect others and if we respect them then we get respect.
    I recommend this book to everybody because is funny and we learn new things too.

  15. This book is about a girl with a magic finger.
    The magic finger is something like a “super power” and when the girl gets REALLY cross, she puts the magic finger on the person that made her cross and then something bad happens to them. This is what happened to the Greggs. The Greggs are the girl’s neighbors with two kids, William and Philip. One day the girl was at their house and the boys wanted to go hunting, that’s something they would do every weekend. The girl hates hunting so she tried to stop them from doing it. But Mr. Gregg yelled at her and told her to mind her own P’s and Q’s. This made the girl SO cross and that she put the magic finger to the whole family. After that, they switched places with the ducks and the ducks pointed at them with guns and tried to shoot them. Οobviously they understood what they did wrong and they stopped hunting.
    I think this book teaches us to never do anything to anyone that we wouldn’t like being done to us. Before you do something to someone you need to think if it’s ok to do it. But if you think it’s going to hurt them, don’t do it, it’s not nice.
    My favorite part was when the Greggs turned into ducks and the ducks became humans. The Greggs felt the pain the ducks were getting when Mr. Gregg pointed at them with his gun or killed them for fun.
    I recommend this book to kids 9-11 because kids at that age do things that are wrong and this book will make them think more before they do something.
    I give the book 5 stars because it’s really helpful for kids and they can learn a lot

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