

What is celebrated this day? How did all start? Read the article and find out! Watch this video too! What pranks have you done to your friends or family on this day so far? Share it with us! Leave it as a comment!

16 Comments on “APRIL FOOL’S DAY

  1. The plan for prank that i did in 2016 was to put my lego blocks that uncle gave for my birthday and put them next to the bed that my dad was sleeping. The next morning, i heard a loud scream and my plan worked!

  2. I did a lot of pranks, but I remember the funniest:
    – I copied a dollar of five hundred and I showed it to my dad,
    – I got into Mr. Odysseus meeting with the name ” Mrs. Helen”,
    – I gave vinegar to my mum and I told her that is water,
    – I switched off the master switch while we were watching TV,
    – I gave my mum red water and I told her it was wine,
    – I threw oil into the bucket we use for mopping,
    – I smashed a rock into a tooth shape and I did pretend that it had broken (again),

  3. I made many pranks this year but the funniest was when I was cooking and my mom was watching TV, I took a sausage, I made a hole so I can put my finger in it and then I put ketchup on my finger like blood. Then I cut the sausage and I took I big knife. I took the tomatoes in front of me and I started cutting them. My mom was about to sleep when I started screaming and shouting ”HELP MY FINGER!”. My mom freaked out, but in the end I just started eating the sausage and explained to my mom. She didn’t really like my prank, but I had fun!

  4. I did three funny and interesting pranks this year.
    1 . I pretended to break my sister’s phone
    2 . I got in Mr. Odysseus’ class with my name backwards and dressed as a ghost
    3 .I called random places and asked them random questions
    I really enjoyed making these pranks

  5. Pranks:
    1. In a game I used secret cheats and I made my friends believe that I was hacking.
    2. I closed the internet when my sister was playing.
    3. I closed the playstation when my sister was playing.

  6. This year, April Fool’s Day started with pranks for me. Firstly my mum woke me up and she told me that the schools will open, but I knew that it was the first of April so I didn’t believe her. Secondly my friends wrote at the group chat that we would write a test and I believed them, so I was in panic. Five minutes later they wrote that it was a prank. After that I was at a call with my friends and we were thinking about what prank to do on the teachers. The idea came and we decided to speak Greek to Mrs. Elena’s lesson and English to Mr. Odysseus’s lesson. Then when the afternoon came, my sister told me that we will move to another house, but I didn’t believe her. So in the evening when we sat at the living room I decided to prank my family. So I searched a background image that looks like a broken screen , I ran to the living room and I said ‘’Mum, dad, my phone is broken. ‘’ They were shocked, but I told them that it was a prank because I didn’t want them to shout at me .

  7. This year I didn’t do much but last year, it was crazy.
    -First I covered my friend’s room in sticky notes with the help of his brother.
    -Second I went to the store and got the fake present that when you open it, a spider pops out.
    -Third I changed the water with tsipouro and because my mom doesn’t drink alchohol she didn’t like it.
    -Finally I went again to the store and got a fake phone. When I got home I took it out of the box, grabbed my dad’s phone and threw the fake one out of the window. My dad was pissed of and started screaming,but then he realised that his phone was in my hands. What a prank

  8. These are the pranks I did on the first day of April
    1) I did the first prank to my mother. I told her that I didn’t do my homework for that day. She believed that, until I laughed and she understood that it was a prank
    2) The second prank which I did was on my teacher. We had a meeting on webex and I was talking with pauses. I spoke for two seconds and then I stopped talking for one. That made my teacher think that he had a problem with his internet connection, but after a while he realized that it was a prank.
    3) The last prank that I did was to my father. I put a band-aid on my forefinger and I told him that I cut it placing a sheet of paper in my printer. When I took out the band-aid, he saw that I didn’t cut my forefinger and he laughed

  9. April Fool’s Day is one of my favorite days. You do a lot of pranks and jokes on your family, friends, teachers etc. But have you ever wondered how it started?
    The most popular theory has to do with the calendar. In France, before 1582, the new year started on 1st April, but when Pope XIII changed the calendar to the Gregorian Calendar the new year started on 1st January. Some people didn’t know about it and they continued celebrate the New Year’s Day on April 1st.Those people were called “April Fools.”
    Some others believe that April Fool’s came from the Roman Festival of Hilaria, a celebration of the god Attis. The Festival of Hilaria was held on March 25th and was a Roman day of laughing and telling jokes.
    On April Fool’s Day I did a lot of pranks. First of all, when my brother asked me to give him a glass of water, I put inside lemon juice and salt. Another prank I did on my mom was that I took a raw piece of pasta and I asked her to give me a massage. And when she touched me I chewed the raw pasta and it was like my bones were broken. And the last one, I took a red pen, I took off the ink and I through spread it in my hand. Then I started crying and I went to the living room. My whole family was shocked and after 5′ I started laughing!

  10. I love pranking people,that’s why I love April’s Fool Day!!!I was very creative this year and I did a lot of pranks on my parents and friends,especially my mom.Here are some of them:
    -I removed the batteries from the TV remote control and my mom was trying to turn on the TV for 2 hours.
    -I turned my house upside down,which means I turned upside down all the furniture inside my house.
    -I called one of my friends and I started shouting ”Stop calling me!!!I am trying to do my homework!!!” It was very funny because my friend was so confused and she thought that somebody had hacked her phone.
    -I filled my parents’ bedroom with toilet paper while they were talking in the living room.
    -I woke up my mom in the morning and she asked me “What time is it?” then I answered “2pm” and she freaked out but then I told her it was actually 9am.
    -I called another friend of mine and I started speaking Russian with her because I knew she wouldn’t understand anything.

  11. I haven’t done a prank on Aprils fool’s day so I am going to write my opinion about it.
    My opinion is that this day is funny as long as the pranks are not hurting someone.
    I like this day because everyone can have fun. I never had the time to think about a prank although I like others doing pranks and sharing it with me.

  12. This year’s April fool’s day, I gave my parents a biscuit with sugar and mayonnaise that was disgusting and I told my grandparents that I fell with head on the corner of the table while I was talking to the phone with them. I also said to my friends that the game that we all play called ’’Among us’’, closed and we can’t play it anymore. It was a really funny day!!!! I said many clever jokes and pranks. I look forward to the next April Fool’s Day.

  13. On the 1st of April we celebrate April Fool’s Day. April Fool’s is a celebration that started on 1582 in France. Before 1582, people used to celebrate the new year on the 1st of April, but then Pope Geirgery the eighth changed the calendar to the Georgian calendar. Because some people didn’t know about the new change, people were pranking them. That’s how it started. April Fool’s is not a national celebration but most people celebrate it because it brings joy! For the past few years, I haven’t done any pranks on my friends or my family because I don’t like April Fool’s Day. I don’t want to do any pranks because people would know I am pranking them. Sometimes I like scaring people but not pranking them with other things.

  14. On April’s Fool Day I only did one prank. I told everyone that their laces were undone
    but no one believed me.

  15. Ok I did not do many pranks but the ones I did were very good
    1= I woke up earlier than everyone else and I went and hid on the back balcony and when the others woke up they were looking for me.
    2=I called my mom to help me with a math exercise which was in Greek and I pretended not to understand the language
    3=When my sister came and said Good Morning I started speaking German to her and she did not understand anything
    4=When my mom called me for food I pretended not to hear her and I ignored her and when she came in she shook me and told me ”you do not hear me talking to you” but I ignored her again
    5=The next joke I made with my friends at our teacher we entered the webex with different and strange names, to confuse. We also told him that we did not do the lessons and that we did not understand the exercises
    6=When my dad came from work he said hello to me but I said that I couldn’t hear him and I also told him ”Can you please repeat it because I didn’t hear you ” and I continued this prank till the afternoon
    7=The last prank is the one I did to my friends I promised them to go out and play and when I rang their doorbell they asked ”who’s there” and I said with man’s voice ”little girl give me four million dollars in 15 days otherwise I’ll kidnap you and your family” I think that she was quite scared

  16. Κωνσταντίνος-Τσαμπίκος Τσιγγελάς

    On April’s Fools Day I had so much fun watching everyone fall into my traps.
    1) I entered to Mr Odysseas’ meeting with a girl’s name and its letters were in the wrong places.
    2) I said that to my mum that I had a terrible headache in order to not to my homework. ” sadly, it didn’t work =(
    3) Another prank I did was to my neighbours. I rang their bell and afterwards I hid at the stairs.
    4) I phoned people that I didn’t know and I was pretending that I knew them.
    5) The last prank I did was that i was pretending that I didn’t know how to solve some Maths problems.

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